Gloria Crawford Henderson, MPA, CLC, CHWC
Owner, Founder

According to a new study by Food Marketing Institute Foundation, the largest trade association for the food industry, a health coach is the 3rd most trusted source for helping individuals determine which foods to eat and avoid.

Subject Matter Expertise
Conscious Aging Maximizing Potential Multidimensional Wellness
Relationship Integrity Spiritual Growth
Women's Empowerment

We want to tell you about the Age of Discovery founder, Gloria Crawford Henderson. Gloria spent more than forty-five years as a government manager and public policy administrator with the State of Florida. The array of her executive and legislative branch subject matter expertise spans corrections and criminal justice, public finance, health care administration and regulation, and substance abuse and mental health crisis services.
According to Gloria, "The apparent common denominator of my professional portfolio is the revelation that people hurt themselves and others in a myriad of ways when they are not in active pursuit of their highest and best potential. We humans are built for greatness, and when, for whatever reasons we fall short of that universal urge, the insidious nature of 'less than' eats away at us and shows up in the form of unnecessary illness, disease, and dysfunction. Our relationships suffer and opportunities to grow into our spiritual essence are stifled. Any effort toward health, wellbeing, and wholeness must be comprehensive and it must become an innate part of our lifestyle. We must take responsibility for our lives and refuse to settle for mediocrity. Greatness resides within each of us and we must never stop growing!"
Following a serious medical scare several years ago, Gloria decided there was nothing more important to her future than good health. To educate herself and develop a plan of action she poured through thousands of documents, only to find the information was complicated and often contradictory. For her, a combined faith-based, scientific, and whole person approach to health, wellness, and longevity made the most sense, so she immersed herself into finding ways to make her learning curve practical, factual, fun, and more relevant to how people live in the real world. Now she spends much of her time coaching and training others on how simple lifestyle changes can result in them feeling better and living longer, healthier lives.
Our mantra is, "With the blessing of improved health and vitality, we are perfectly positioned to pursue sacred purpose. This is when life really gets interesting!"
At Age of Discovery, the service delivery system includes coaching, consultation, education, motivational speaking, seminars, training, and workshops.
